Cyber Essentials Plus

We’ll help you demonstrate your focus on cyber security with a Cyber Essentials Plus certification


Secure Your Business Today

Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective UK government-backed scheme designed to help protect your organisation against the most common cyber attacks through rigorous technical controls and the implementation of best practices.

Cyber Essentials Plus provides a more rigorous technical audit process than the basic Cyber Essentials certification. It further protects against phishing, hacking, and other types of malware. CE+ requires system tests to be carried out by certification bodies, ensuring robust protection against unauthorized access.

If you're looking to obtain Cyber Essentials Plus compliance for your business, Netitude can perform a CE+ gap analysis to highlight which areas you need to work on to pass the certification. We can also do the remedial work to get you up to spec. If you're interested in learning more about this service, book a call today!

The certification process requires an internal and external vulnerability scan, plus an on-site assessment questionnaire to verify your cyber security position. The questionnaire focuses on key areas such as securing internet gateways and controlling administrative accounts.

Your business must demonstrate the required level of protection in the 5 key security controls:

  • Secure your user devices and software by removing unnecessary software and ensuring regular updates.
  • Secure your Internet connection to protect against unauthorized access.
  • Control access to your data and cloud services by authenticating users and managing permissions effectively.
  • Keep your devices and software up to date to mitigate vulnerabilities.
  • Protect from viruses and other malware through comprehensive security systems.

The benefits of having a Cyber Essentials Plus certification

In the current cyber threat landscape, you cannot afford to take a backseat to your cyber security posture. Acquiring your certification showcases that you take the security of both your and your clients’ and partners’ data seriously. Cyber Essentials Plus still includes all of the elements of the regular Cyber Essentials certification but includes an extra layer of conducting a technical review to verify your commitment to your cyber security.

Cyber Essentials Basic Cyber Essentials Plus

Our Cyber Essentials Plus gap analysis

Setting up for success

We need to picture your current position to cover the five protection points required to pass the certification.

Our engineers audit your network and systems during our initial assessment. Once we have your audit results, we identify any vulnerabilities and build a clear plan to address them.
Young male engineer laughing while working at his computer
Customer Service Manager smiling while working at her computer

Planning for your pass

With a strategic plan laid out, we work with your team. We communicate any changes that impact your users to ensure a smooth transition to a compliant state.

We then verify our work has achieved the required standards before finally submitting for certification. Our process is proven to enable certification quickly, efficiently and with minimal business impact.

Why choose Netitude?

We provide all tools and resources needed to achieve certification at both levels of the Cyber Essentials scheme.

We deliver all the technical tests and assessments conducted by our experienced experts. Plus, our consultants are CREST-accredited.

Virtual IT Director talking in a meeting with colleague not pictured

What's so important about IT compliance?

As data breaches become more common, maintaining the security and privacy of customers is a big concern for businesses. For IT, compliance means ensuring that your organisation meets the standards for data privacy and security.

Download our guide to find out more about compliance.

What our clients say


“The initial audit was fantastic. It really gave us an understanding of where we were and took away the fear of the lack of knowledge. The broken-down recommendations really helped us understand the priority areas that needed attention, also helped me explain to my colleagues when it came to costs. Netitude have really helped us move forward as a business, initially we thought we just needed someone to ‘fix’ things, but we have moved on further than I ever imagined.”

Mark Dorrill
Director | Brook Foods Processing Equipment

Book your Cyber Essentials Plus gap analysis

A Cyber Essentials Plus certification demonstrates your focus on cyber security and reassures your clients and prospects that you take the protection of their data serious. Book your gap analysis today to see where you currently stand and what potential gaps you need to fill in order to achieve certification.

Let's get started!

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Fancy a chat?

If you’d like to find out more about cyber essentials, book a call and start your journey to better IT today.