Enhance Your Cyber Defences with a Comprehensive IT Security Audit

Why an IT Security Audit Ensures You Stay Safe and Compliant

An IT security audit is designed to be a risk assessment review and analysis of your business’s IT systems. We can pinpoint weaknesses and gaps in your infrastructure and test if the cyber security safeguards in place are up to scratch.

Cyber Essentials Logo

Our audit covers all the UK government's basic security controls, designed and backed by the Cyber Essentials standard, plus some extra controls we've learned through years of protecting businesses like yours.

An audit can help:

  • Prevent potential fines
  • Mitigate consequences of a breach
  • Demonstrate steps taken to protect clients data
  • Help businesses expand and implement various software and security controls
  • Support insurance policies
  • Comply with industry requirements

Enquire about a Security Audit

What We Cover in Your IT Security Audit

  • Router/Firewall review: Your firewall, or UTM, is the gatekeeper of your company network. We review the technology and configuration to ensure it’s fit for purpose, protecting your company data and communicating effectively.
  • Antivirus/endpoint security review: Endpoint protection is a must. Our review ensures it is managed effectively, updated regularly, and capable of protecting your users.
  • User account security: Hijacking user account credentials is the first step of 90% of cyber-attacks. We will review if you have centrally managed and enabled user account policies and assess other protection technologies like multifactor authentication.
  • Remote access review: VPNs and RDP sessions open a hole through your security layers. We will review the strengths of the technology used and who has remote access, ensuring secure remote connections.
  • Wi-Fi security review: As one of the weakest areas in secure communications, we will review each Wi-Fi network's security configuration, purpose, and level of access.
  • Endpoint and server patching review: Security vulnerabilities in applications and operating systems are always increasing. We will review the effectiveness of patching schedules and systems in use.
  • Email and collaboration tools security: Personally identifiable information and intellectual property should be secured from unsolicited access. We review your email support and cloud productivity tools setup to ensure access is restricted effectively, and external communication is secured.
  • Cloud application security: Cloud-based line of business applications can provide a way into communication channels with stakeholders and access to company data. Access to them should be managed and restricted. Our review will give an overview of the current state and options available to improve access security to these systems.

The Benefits of an IT Security Audit

Take Stock of Your Risks

Cyber security audits are valuable for organisations that have not yet documented their internal and external risks and vulnerabilities. It is also helpful for expanding businesses that are implementing various software and security controls.


Prevent Breaches

Regulations such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) can impose hefty penalties in the event of a breach that results in exploited data. Our cyber security audit will help mitigate the consequences of a breach and demonstrate your organisation has taken the necessary steps to protect the client’s data.

Covering Your Bases

Our highly skilled engineers use industry-leading software and tools to check various safeguards and practices during your audit. We check things like email and collaboration tools setup, review your endpoint and server patching, and assess your user account security.


Additional Managed Services:

Beyond audits, we offer a range of managed services, including troubleshooting issues, handling file transfer needs, and providing support for remote workers. Our real-time support and remote support software allow us to address problems remotely, minimising the need for site visits. We also offer support for mobile devices to ensure your team stays productive no matter where they are.

IT Compliance Cover Guide

Understand the importance of IT compliance

As data breaches become increasingly common, maintaining the security and privacy of customers is a significant concern for businesses and the IT organisations that support them. For IT security, compliance means ensuring that your organisation meets the standards for data privacy and security applicable to your specific industry.
Download our guide to find out more about compliance.

What Our Clients Say


“The initial audit was fantastic. It really gave us an understanding of where we were and took away the fear of the lack of knowledge. The broken-down recommendations really helped us understand the priority areas that needed attention, also helped me explain to my colleagues when it came to costs. Netitude have really helped us move forward as a business, initially we thought we just needed someone to ‘fix’ things, but we have moved on further than I ever imagined.”

Mark Dorrill
Director | Brook Foods Processing Equipment

IT Support Tailored Specifically to Meet Your Business Goals

Whatever your IT requirements are, Netitude has them covered. We work closely with you to deliver business IT solutions that meet your needs and help you achieve your goals. Our services include comprehensive cybersecurity audits, adhering to ISO 27001 standards, and effective risk management to protect your business.

We specialise in identifying cyber risks through detailed vulnerability assessments and implementing robust security measures to safeguard your information security. Our security practices encompass both digital and physical security, ensuring a holistic approach to your protection needs.

Regular audits are a crucial part of our service, as the effectiveness of a security audit depends on consistency and thoroughness. We also ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, providing peace of mind that your business meets all necessary standards.

If you'd like to discover more about how we can support your needs, get in touch today!

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Book Your Cyber Security Audit Today

In today’s cyber threat landscape, you cannot afford to take a back seat to IT security. Book your cyber security audit today and fortify your defences.