Service Level Agreement

Our service level agreement (SLA) defines how quickly we respond, work on and resolve your IT issues.

Service Level Agreement

SLA stands for “Service Level Agreement” which is our contractual agreement when companies start using Netitude as their IT Support. It is our promise to you to deal with the issues within the given time frame. It is an industry-standard that enables us to both manage expectations and to also give a reasonable time scale for our customers.  

At Netitude we have one SLA which we give to all our customers so that we have a fair support and ticketing process.

Hours of service

The SLA is determined by the hours covered and the priority of the issue for every ticket that is raised.  
  • Our standard cover runs from 8:45 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays
  • Our monitoring service runs 24x7 and any high impact issues are dealt with accordingly by our out-of-hours incident team
  • We have additional on call hours for emergencies covering early/late weekdays and weekends

How we work out the SLA

Our SLA timers also depend on the priority of your issue or request. When you raise a ticket with us, we make an assessment based on the information you have given us.

Priority is based on two factors:



  • LOW – there’s an easy and effective workaround, so this is more an irritation than a stoppage
  • MEDIUM – operational efficiency is degraded, but there is either a reasonable workaround or other members of the team are unimpeded
  • HIGH – the issue is critical and one or more major business processes are stopped
  • LOW – one person or small group of people affected
  • MEDIUM – department or large group of people affected
  • HIGH – whole organisation is affected and cannot work
Priority Matrix High Urgency Medium Urgency Low Urgency
High Impact
Medium Impact
Low Impact

The Three SLAs

We have timers running on every ticket you raise, though most of our clients are only interested in two of them – respond and resolve. As per our promise to you, these timers are a maximum limit, not something we aim for.

A standard ticket journey looks something like this: You log a ticket that’s a medium priority – within 1 hour, we’ll aim to respond by having your ticket assigned and correctly prioritised. Then, within 6 hours, we’ll plan to start work on your case, and within 12 hours – 1.5 days, we’ll resolve your issue.

In certain circumstances, we will put a clock on hold – for example, when we are awaiting a response from you with further information or approval for work that may temporarily impact you or your business.

  • Respond - When we respond to your ticket request. This is not us just letting you know that we have your ticket, we will give you a time scale for when we will start working on the issue and confirm who is dealing with your ticket.
  • Plan - When we plan to start work on your issue. This is to keep us on track and get started on your issue.
  • Resolve - This is the one that everyone is really interested in: when the issue will be fixed. The biggest and most important promise for our service.

In the event we don't schedule the issue to be resolved in a suitable timeframe for your business needs, let us know! Please refer to our Escalation page for details.

Examples of applied priorities


  • Server outage
  • Internet line down
  • Power outage

High Impact

  • Large number of users unable to print
  • A piece of software critical to part of the business but not the whole business isn't working e.g. sage
  • Emails not being received not working for groups of people

Standard SLA

  • One users work is heavily impacted
  • User cannot access their emails/office applications
  • Critical software running slowly

Low Impact

  • PC running slowly but not impacting day to day work
  • SPAM emails
  • One application or program is not working as usual but is useable
  • Missing shortcuts

Additional requests

Outside of our standard priorities, some tickets will be listed as exceptions. Some will also require information from your Account Director, or a new solution supplied; these will be moved to our solutions department, but you will be advised of this beforehand. 

On-site Repairs – If your device requires a replacement part or rebuild, we will regularly need to source parts or collect/drop off devices and this can be quite time-consuming. These repairs will be placed outside of the SLA as a “Scheduled Repair”.  

Engineer working at a laptop