Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Somerset lies Netitude, more than just an IT service provider, but a local institution ingrained in the fabric of its community. From humble beginnings with a single van and boundless enthusiasm, Netitude has grown to become a beacon of reliability and expertise, serving businesses not only in its vicinity but across the globe.

Yet, amidst its expanding horizons, Netitude remains firmly rooted in its commitment to local service, offering a personalised touch that transcends mere transactions to foster genuine connections.




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Netitude is an IT service provider that is based on the wilds of Somerset, within a short trip of Bath, Bristol, Salisbury and Wiltshire. We have always prided ourselves on being a Local IT company who can offer a world-class service, whilst also possibly bumping into our clients out and about!

Like many SME’s we started with 1 man (MD Adam), a van and a whole lot of enthusiasm; servicing directly local businesses. Over the years we have expanded our reach, even supporting servers and infrastructure across the globe, but the ethos of someone local who can fix your issue has stuck with us.

What does Local IT Mean?

Well to us, it means a more personal experience. Being within travelling distance of our Fully Managed IT service customers allows us to meet them face to face regularly (through our quarterly ViTD and Network Administration visits) and this gives us the opportunity to really get to know the businesses and the people in it.

It also means that we get to work with local talent and engineers to create a better working environment for our staff, which inevitable rolls out to our customers too.

Why should my business stay local?

Proximity to engineers is always an advantage with IT services but in today’s modern age of technology, it’s actually faster and easier to remotely work on IT issues for everyone.

However, when things do go wrong, and there’s no choice but to get under that desk and fix the fault, it’s good to have someone a short distance away. All good Managed Service providers will have a dedicated disaster recovery process for their clients which will cover any major business-critical issues. One thing with local services is having someone come and help out face to face in these situations.

Trust in your IT service provider is also important, so local knowledge can help with this. Your local business environment is important to you, and it’s important to us too.

Additionally, you can also often see a cost reduction in IT services without losing the skills that support our larger multinational clients. Time is money for both parties and the closer you are to your IT hub the quicker the fix times.

Helping Each Other out!

What’s more, there is nothing like working together on local issues. There is a huge benefit from working together as businesses on small and large tasks. Taking part in and supporting local businesses is good for all companies involved because together we are investing in the community and area.

Finally, local can also mean social. Outsourced IT doesn’t have to be that your business is separated from its IT service. Here at Netitude, we will regularly invite our Local Businesses out to social events, gatherings and training seminars. Allowing our clients to network with not only our staff but also with other businesses.

So that’s what it’s all about, being part of the local community, not losing our roots and bringing the knowledge we have gained from our further-flung adventures back to our local customers so everyone can benefit.

Check out our IT Support page for details on what we can offer.


In a world where connections transcend geographical boundaries, Netitude is a testament to the enduring value of local service. By staying true to its roots while embracing the opportunities of the digital age, Netitude embodies the ethos of community, camaraderie, and collaboration.

So, whether you're in need of reliable IT support or seeking to forge connections within your local ecosystem, Netitude welcomes you with open arms, ready to embark on a journey of mutual growth and prosperity. Visit our IT Support page today and discover the power of local partnership. 


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